Mary's Journey Home
Family Promise NNCC ensures every family experiencing homelessness has access to shelter, case management, and the resources necessary to secure permanent housing.

“I never expected to end up homeless, but it happened”.
Mary was married, had multiple children, a stable home and job. To her neighbors, Mary had a picturesque life, but beneath the surface, not everything in Mary’s life was as stable as it seemed. Mary was married to an abuser. Mary suffered abuse at the hands of her husband for years, and eventually, it started to break her down.
Mary finally hit her breaking point. “It was like it finally clicked, that I didn’t have to subject myself to this violence. I could leave, and I could save myself and my children from his abuse.” Mary left. In the middle of the night, Mary rounded up her kids, got in her car, and drove off. Initially, Mary stayed at a friend’s house, however unbeknownst to Mary, her friend was also in a similar domestic violence situation. Refusing to subject herself or her children to anymore abuse, Mary left.
​“I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster this past year. Never have I spent more time crying and praying in my life. Life just kept beating me down, and after a while, it takes its toll.”
Unfortunately, Mary found herself homeless - when there is a family experiencing homelessness in Delaware, Family Promise always steps in.
Mary found shelter, security, and warmth in our Hospitality Center. “Family Promise means the world to me. Family Promise was the safe stable support I needed to move onto the next chapter in my life. Family Promise feels like a community of supportive neighbors helping me move forward.”
That’s what we did – we helped Mary end her homelessness and move onto the next chapter of her life. This past week, Mary moved into her own safe, stable, and secure permanent housing!
Mary is determined to return to school and finish up her nursing degree and to continue improving her credit, so that she can one day buy her own home.
“I would tell someone in similar situation to keep the faith, keep your children a priority, no matter what you think you might want or need, if it’s not keeping your kids safe you don’t need it. When you think things can’t get better, trust me they can, Family Promise helped show me the way”